Tag Archives: geotechnical drilling rigs

Permalink to In-House Drilling – The SIMCO 2400 Perfect Rig for Better Control

In-House Drilling – The SIMCO 2400 Perfect Rig for Better Control

The SIMCO team took a recent trip to deliver a new 2400 drilling rig to Fargo Consultants, Inc., a geotechnical engineering firm in Dallas, Texas. More and more frequently, engineering firms are taking control of their scheduling capabilities by bringing drilling services in-house. The 2400’s geotechnical drilling skillset makes it the perfect choice for engineering […]

Permalink to SIMCO 2400-SK-1 – An Evolution of Superior Drilling Rig Engineering

SIMCO 2400-SK-1 – An Evolution of Superior Drilling Rig Engineering

The SIMCO 2400-SK1 has been one of the most popular and versatile drilling rigs in the SIMCO line since early in their 50-year history. Introduced in 1971 shortly after the company opened for business, this tough auger rig was touted as a simple to operate, economical to own, compact and well-engineered piece of equipment. As […]

Permalink to SIMCO Geotechnical Drilling Equipment Tops Industry Standards

SIMCO Geotechnical Drilling Equipment Tops Industry Standards

Geotechnical drilling poses unique challenges that need to be conquered to get the job done. SIMCO Drilling Equipment understands these challenges and has spent the last 50 years engineering the best rigs to meet and exceed your geotechnical drilling needs. What makes SIMCO’s geotechnical drills stand out above other manufacturers? We beat the industry standard […]

Permalink to Quality Drilling Equipment Keeps SIMCO Top of the Game

Quality Drilling Equipment Keeps SIMCO Top of the Game

Since 1969, SIMCO Drilling Equipment has been fabricating and developing some of the best drills in the industry from their state of the art manufacturing facility in Osceola, Iowa.  Providing the tools for an assortment of drilling needs including water well, environmental, geothermal, geotechnical, construction and exploration, SIMCO drills are used all over the world, […]

Permalink to SIMCO Has the Equipment For Your Geotechnical Drilling Success

SIMCO Has the Equipment For Your Geotechnical Drilling Success

Geotechnical drilling success is attainable nearly anywhere in the world. No matter if you’re building a 70-story skyscraper, a single-family home or a recreational area for new neighborhood, the first thing to be done is a geophysical survey to find out what kind of materials you are building on. Getting a good core sample is also […]

Permalink to The SIMCO 7000 Sets the Bar for Drilling Rig Quality

The SIMCO 7000 Sets the Bar for Drilling Rig Quality

  Purchasing a drilling rig is no simple decision. After comparing specs and capabilities, looking through testimonials and weighing all the options, the value of the rig is certainly a huge deciding factor. Drill rig quality and actual return on investment is what drives a drilling rig business to success, and the SIMCO 7000 sets […]