Tag Archives: water well drilling operation

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Mitigate the Dangers of Circulation Loss in Water Well Drilling

Losing circulation during the drilling procedure can not only be inconvenient, but dangerous. Most drillers use fluids such as mud because it makes drilling larger-diameter and deeper holes easier without worrying about a collapse. But it’s imperative to use the proper drilling fluid. The correct drilling fluid helps to lift cuttings out of the borehole […]

Permalink to Water Well Development – Tips to Avoid Well Failure

Water Well Development – Tips to Avoid Well Failure

Inadequate well development is one of the biggest problems facing the water well drilling industry. Whether it’s outright well failure or that the well isn’t performing to expectations, the cause can often be traced back to problems during well development. Here are some problems to watch for: Insufficient Time: if significant amounts of mud are […]

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The Business Of Drilling – Taking Advantage of Proper Record-keeping

As businesses start looking into the future and thinking about tax preparation, it becomes increasingly obvious that keeping good records is imperative for tax savings. Ensuring an accurate tax bill can keep IRS auditors from your door and protect against fines and fees. The IRS doesn’t specify what types of records drilling businesses need to […]