The SIMCO 5000

An early model SIMCO 5000 drill from the 1970’s
In 1976 only five years after the start of the company SIMCO Drilling Equipment started the development of the SIMCO 5000 WS. The first SIMCO 5000 WS shipped in October of 1977. The drill rig was designed primarily for mud rotary water well drilling in the 250’-400’ depth range. The 5000 WS was a huge success from day one. Over 65 of the 5000 WS drill rigs were built and shipped to customers from 1977-1982. The original rigs concept was an affordable top-head driven water well drill that used 20 ft. drill pipe. SIMCO also wanted plenty of torque and pullback while on a small truck to get into limited access job sites. The SIMCO 5000 was the first hydraulic top-head drive drill rig in its class size. SIMCO still supports these old 5000 WS drill rigs and the very first 5000 WS drill rig from 1977 is still in operation in Puerto Rico. The 5000 WS was in production for over 25 years but with the demand for bigger drill rigs with more capabilities SIMCO stopped building the drill rig and concentrated efforts on the bigger SIMCO 7000 and the smaller more compact SIMCO 2800.
For years the customers have shared their stories of their old 5000 drill rigs and how great they were. Many of them shared that this was the drill rig they learned everything on, or this was the rig that built their business. They have shared their fond memories with their fathers and grandfathers. SIMCO has discussed bringing back and re-engineering the 5000 for today’s market for several years. Finally in 2020 after years of discussion the decision was made to bring back the ever-popular drill rig. However, the drill rig needed some updates for today’s drilling needs.
Several things were must haves for the new 5000 drill rig.
14,000 Lbs. pullback/pulldown
2,860 Ft. Lbs. of torque and 300 R.P.M.
Handle 20’ drill pipe
Carousel that holds 200’ of 3” pipe
2-1/2” water plumbing or above on the drill rig
Development air and larger output mud pump
All on a small single axle truck that is non CDL.
PTO Driven to give the maximum horsepower.
By the end of 2023 SIMCO had the new 5000 finally ready to take to the National Ground Water convention trade show in Las Vegas for Ground Water week. With other competing drill rigs and 6,642 attendees at the show one thing was clear. SIMCO hit the nail on the head with the design of the new 5000 drill rig. On day one of the trade show the response was overwhelming to the new 5000. The SIMCO 5000 has more torque, more pullback, and is the only one that can carry 200’ in the drill rigs carousel while still being under weight. The SIMCO 5000 fully loaded up weighs 20,540 Lbs. and is under the trucks allowed 22,000 GVWR.