Hydraulic fracturing has become a prevalent drilling practice in recent years, growing oil and natural gas output. But as mentioned in our last “In The Field” feature, there are several myths surrounding the method, it hasn’t been embraced and isn’t used to its full potential.

fracking drilling facts

There has been concern that hydraulic fracturing pollutes the air, with claims of air emissions from the sites creating conditions detrimental to the health of local communities. Several agencies, however, have conducted thorough studies and reviews and have disproved this idea.

  • A report compiled by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment found the levels of air pollution from active gas and oil drilling operations were too low to cause serious health issues, even taking into account the portion of the population who are more sensitive to air pollution.
  • Analysis from the University of Texas at Arlington found that the air quality was well within acceptable limits around the hydraulic fracturing operations in the Eagle Ford Shale. Also, no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were found to be above the levels mandated by the state in a study of the Barnett Shale.
  • In Pennsylvania, researches at the Marcellus Shale development didn’t observe elevated levels of benzene, toluene or other light aromatic compounds at the drilling sites and found few non-alkaline VOC emissions.
  • The United Kingdom Department of Health also issued a report that concluded exposure to emissions from shale gas extraction was too low to create potential risks to public health.

Although gas and oil production through hydraulic fracturing has increased substantially since 2005, national air pollution has declined over the same time period.

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